When you walk up to the wide front door of a beautiful big classic Georgian townhouse in a leafy part of Islington, London, you know it’s going to be a gleeful treat when the door opens. If the front door is beautifully painted in black or smart French navy, if there is the obligatory brass door furniture and some beautiful floor tiles and an unexpected selection of glossy greenery as you approach you are happy!
Doing up a house is a daunting task and to get to the end and be able to say you have chosen well, kept within budget, stayed true to your style and are happy with the longevity of your choices then you should be really chuffed. Some people have taste and get the choices spot on, some people are a little more mainstream in their choices and then some people just have that magic touch which makes a space feel so much more than just a new room with awesome lights and cupboards. I guess people just have different priorities and so that is reflected in the things they do best, interiors is one we get to see most often, so we appreciate it all the more.
The Islington Kitchen is full of things that set it apart from the crowd, it’s a feeling when you walk in the room, things to delight and inspire you wherever you look. The Classic English cupboards in this kitchen are perfect, they suit the style of the property, but moreover they are simple and sophisticated and sitting alongside a Wolf cooker and Fisher and Paykel appliances, the scene is already a good one. But it’s the extra touches that make it stand out: the beautifully renovated coving, the colour choices and the obvious decision to make it a working family kitchen where things are on show and things are there to be used.
It’s clever, to get function, style, atmosphere, quality and a completely uncontrived look into one space. Collecting beautiful things is an art, it is something that takes time and dedication, it involves travel and time, but when you finally get to a point where your home is full of these treasures you can reap the rewards. Colours and textures, different materials, different continents, all go towards making an eclectic and truly inspiring home. Knowing that each piece of your home's interior has a history and a story seems somehow to give it more soul and this is what you see in the Islington Kitchen and the whole house for that matter. There are also some new items bought specifically for the kitchen and they too were well considered, my favourite things were the vintage pantry doors, this little under the stairs cupboard has been transformed into a seriously useful pantry and a really special feature of this kitchen. The view beyond the kitchen into the dining area was also a delight, green walls full of art, indoor greenery of jungle proportions and views into the most private walled garden, wow I wish you could see the rest of this house.